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Monday 18 May 2015

The seven-year bitches - VIII

I understood that, to Benedicto, the look of a dominated girl was more powerful than a dominating one's. I also understood that the last report had hit him deeply. So, I decided to break the report and change for a while the topic.
- Do you think that Kapitoline got more furious and perverse after her coming back from her failed attempt to compete in an official MMA league?
- At least with regards to Sancha. That beat down involving the older girl, probably a coach, happened in my first year in the farm. Kapitoline was probably under eigthteen, although the other girl were probably between twenty-five and thirty years of age. I do not know if our cousin used to beat Sancha in that time, however my two reports here are related to the period after Kapitoline's return.
- You said that you witnessed seven fight scenes in seven years. Concerning the remaining five ones, did they occur after Kapitoline's return?
- Yes, all of them. It is probable, although not certain, that poor Sancha was a kind of easy target to Kapitoline discharge her frustration.
- Besides that, there was the probable pleasure of being humiliated, on the part of Sancha, and the fact that both of them knew you were peeping.
- Do you believe?
- Yes. There is nothing like an excited naive boy to a girl like Sancha. And there is nothing like a fearful boy to a girl like Kapitoline, who, I may be wrong, of course, is attracted to women.
Benedicto raised his eyelids:
- It is possible.
And, in order to keep his mind distant from Sancha, I made the frustration of Kapitoline go back to the scene:
- Do you know what happened in the two Kapitoline's matches in the MMA league?
- Well, she lost both, did not she?
- Lost? It is not too much to describe. She was thrashed, trounced, annihilated, destroyed, he-he-he...
- I do not understand your happiness...
Benedicto did not know about the beat down Kapiytoline had gave me, so that he did not understand my reaction before our cousin's fail in the MMA league.
I disguised and showed him the first file:
- Oh, she was so self-confident, she never figured out that that kick and those punches would be so effective...
- She had to go to the hospital, I suppose...
- Only for caution. I think that what most annoyed her was the need of help from the referee, and, of course, the cheering of the crowd, who had their scapegoat, immolated in a so spectacular way...
- Sure. Poor Kapitoline, it was very humiliating...
Sometimes Benedicto's naiveness touched stupidity. "Poor Kapitoline"? Well, I did not tell him that I was in the crowd and cheered too, for personal reasons...
- Let's see the second file:
- Poor Kapitoline, as you said. This time, she had to go to the hospital, where she spent a lot of time. From there, she had to come back to the farm, and the poor bitch Sancha had to carry the can... At least, she was a lucky girl, as she was so groggy that she could not listen the cheering crowd before the same scapegoat...
- You are a little ironic and bitter today.
- May be. But I am nice girl. I even visited poor Kapitoline in the hospital.
I did not tell all, however. I omitted the main part. Poor Kapitoline could hardly open the mouth and speak. I told her few sweet words and handed her a pack with pears.
- The ideal fruits to ill people - and I caressed her head - You will find a letter inside and two other gifts. Good bye, my angel - I kissed her and went out.
The letter: "My beloved Kapitoline. I am really sorry for your defeat - or should I say 'defeats'? I am sure that it was only lack of luck, my crippled little duck. Please, keep on attempting!
Please find in the pack the vibrator you once so gently offered me. I think that the good usage of this device will be a benefit for your recovery. I did not clean it, because I know that you will surely prefer using it impregnated with my odours.
There is a pen drive also, with a marvellous classical piece, proper to your state of mind.
Believe that your future is brilliant.
Your sincerely,
Well, I have to admit that I only had the courage to do that because I was just about to leave the country in order to have wrestling training sessions (oh, gosh, I could not imagine that I would met Fátima - oh my, my buttocks throb only with the remembrance...)
If I met Kapitoline again, I would probably be milled and packed to Neverland by her... However, I thought this re-encounter would not occur because of my plans... How optimist I am!
My cousin probably did not catch the meaning of Mozart's Requiem.

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